Case study 4: Community Meeting Hall is promoting social works

In this ILCT-Poar Phnum Rai project is built a community hall size 15m x 7m to support the IP Poar Phnum Rai Community’s regulation in Chapter I, article 1, bullet 2 stated that, “IP Poar Phnum Rai shall have its community office in Phnum Rai village, Ta Toak Commune, Samlout District”. This building not just for office for IP committees or CBOs, but it also for the public use such as, conducting awareness on health, educations, environment, meetings, practice art and dancing, etc. It was visited by CCs and District Governor during May and hosted many events to date such as NGOs meetings with community, PDRD conduct awareness on water and sanitation, etc.

Left:  CC, Wildlife Alliance, Elders, PDRP, MoI, DEMD and PRD attended the Term of references validation.
Right: ICLT’s members raised their hand to present the approval.

It became a platform for increasing decision making and its proud of community’s participation and contribution wooden, labors, food, and encouragement. The community is empowered through this building while the outsiders started to see how they can build without fee and how they unity and collective decision to make a beautiful building. The landlord also part of huge contributor to make it happen and this building is respect by everyone of the unity and the democracy within members. It is become now a communication center for this village.