
ABCD Assets-Based Community Development
C/CBE Culture/Community-Based Ecotourism
CBO Community-Based Organization
CC Climate Change
CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
CERD Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
CF Community Forestry
CLT Communal Land Titling
CPA Community Protected Area
CRC Committees on the Rights of the Child
CSO Civil Society Organization
CT Customary Tenure
CVGM Community Voluntary Group Member
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FLR Farmer-Led Research
FPIC Free, Prior, Inform and Consent
ILO International Labor Organization
IPLCs Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and Local Community
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IWGIA International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
KBA Key Biodiversity Area
LA Local Authorities
MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
MoE Ministry of Environment
MoI Ministry of Interior
MRD Ministry of Rural Development
MRLG Mekong Regional of Land Governance
NE North-East
PLD People-Led Development
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
TOT Training of Trainer
UNDRIP United Nation Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization